Resolve to Pray

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By Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

New Year’s Day brings us to a new day, a new year, a new resolve in our lives.

It brings us to a new awareness that the Babe, Jesus, did not stay in the crib. He grew in wisdom and grace. He grew into the lives of everyone … even those who do not recognize him!

How will you  recognize Him?

Begin with a resolution to recognize His presence in your heart, and in your life for each of the next 356 days.


First, take time away – if only a few minutes! – from the crowd, your friends, your loved ones. Ponder a daily solution, one that will keep you mindful of Jesus.

Next, write it down, as resolutions seem to be most successful when we do so.

What might you resolve? Perhaps to spend 10 or more minutes daily in quiet wordless prayer. (Karl Rahner wrote, “God is nearest in the quiet room of our own hearts.”)

Or perhaps to read Scripture for 10 minutes and then reflect upon it.

Remember, it’s not what prayer you say, or how you say it. What’s important is that you DO it. Create a daily plan to recognize the Presence of God Who dwells within you.

I send you a blessing, one of the most beautiful ever written, from the Book of Numbers, written toward the end of the Israelites’ LONG journey in the desert:

The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace.
 (Numbers 6:24-26)

Happy New Year!


Sister Audrey Cleary, OSB, 1940-2018


Seeing Out the Old Year, Welcoming the New