Caring for Everyone: How Catholic Sisters Help
The program is a 5-day curriculum, designed for PreK-8th grade students. Materials include storybooks and activities appropriate to the youngest learner, with progressively more sophisticated materials and assignments for older students. Developed by Sister Stefanie MacDonald, OSB and Susan Flansburg, the materials are available by clicking here or searching “Caring for Everyone” on TeachersPayTeaachers.com. Contact us with your questions at vocation@smmsisters.org.
National Catholic Sister Project - Called and Consecrated is an online curriculum, designed for middle and high school student with units covering many topics about religious sisters.
Global Sisters Report in the classroom use articles written by religious sisters or about sisters to help guide activities and discussion in the classroom. Please visit their website.
Vianney Vocation offers student materials for National Vocation Awareness Week. Please visit their website.
Vocation Lessons sponsored by Vianney Vocation is a curriculum to educate students to appreciate each type of vocation and being open to how God is calling. Please visit their website.
St. Mary’s Press offers lesson for grades 9 through 12 through the book Answering God’s Call which help students learn more about vocations.
Life Teen’s Vocation Curriculum is designed to help teens understand the call to holiness and vocation each person has in life.
USCCB (Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops) has on their website a Vocation Curriculum resource.