4th Sunday: Christ is Within Us ... But Will We Say Yes or No?

When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he said, “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.”

Note that Gabriel didn’t ask if Mary wanted to do it or not. He didn’t give her the pros and cons, leaving the final decision to her. He told her what was going to happen.

Mary’s response was troubled at first. An angel - an angel! - appeared, talking what seemed to be craziness.

Imagine the young girl’s fear. If Gabriel was right, it might precipitate a breaking of her engagement to Joseph … ruin her standing within her community … and certainly change her life.

Mary could react any way she chose, but she couldn’t change the situation.

What she did was set a great example for us all. She opened her heart, and listened.

And said, “Yes.”

Like Mary, Christ is within us. Like Mary, we have a choice of how to respond.

Advent ends tomorrow, and Christmas arrives. Will we open our hearts and listen? Will we say “Yes”?


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