An Advent Task: Clearing Out Clutter


By Benedictine Oblate Susan Ryan

As a student at Illinois Wesleyan in the late 1980's, I was fortunate to share a great deal of time with dear Sr. Helen Carey.

One of the things she taught me was the value of "passing items on." I am grateful to still own something she passed on to me about 15 years ago, a set of rubber stamps for making greeting cards.

Recently, I have been reading the book, Making Room for God: Decluttering and the Spiritual Life, by Mary Elizabeth Sperry. It is an awesome read!

I am reminded of the value of passing things on - gifting them - and how it is important to pray for the recipients.

You may ask, "How does this relate to our journey during Advent?"

I connect removing the excess from my home - and giving it prayerfully to others - with making room for Christ in my heart.

As I box some of my different belongings up, I find a more peaceful rhythm and balance in my life. This is so important to my spiritual well-being. I am more apt to welcome God and listen for the whisper of the Holy Spirit.

Having a more orderly home fosters this goodness. This is when I can invite Jesus into my heart, hopeful that He will transform me into the best woman, wife, mother. friend and co-worker I can be.

As I order my home AND my heart for Christmas this Advent, I pray to share the great love that Jesus brought to us first, so may years ago.

Throughout the Advent season, I pray that I may create many opportunities to surprise others with loving actions, words and a listening ear.


Advent: Journey into Mystery


Advent: Not a Passive Waiting Time!