Holy Week 2022: Journey of Our Hearts

by Sister Susan Hutchens, OSB

From the 1st Sunday of Lent to Holy Thursday, we are asked to recall the life and words of Jesus.  Now we walk his last part of the journey.  We do not celebrate this week merely to “re-live” the mysteries of the Passion.  We celebrate only because we know the ending, and the ending is JOY.

  • We re-commit ourselves each day to God, not because it is easy, but because we know the ending.

  • We face difficulties, embrace hardships, pain, and even death, not to prove anything and not because we want to, but only because we know the ending.

  • We work for justice, we dialogue, we stand for what we know is right, not because we even think we can bring about great change in the world, but simply because we know the journey and we know the ending.

Let us make this journey of our hearts this week, a journey steeped in pain, and sorrow, yet one we embrace with hope, because the ending has been promised and fulfilled. After all, the ending is really a new beginning. Most of all, the ending is JOY, and it is a joy about which, like the very stones of which Jesus speaks in the Palm Sunday Gospel, we can never be silent.


Holy Thursday, Holy Gift by Sr. Ruth Ksycki


Wake Reflection – Sister Mary Core