Protecting, Nourishing Your New Life

By Sister Catherine Cleary, OSB

Common childhood Easter memories might include pretty new hats, shoes, purses and clothes.

Easter baskets, filled with eggs and other goodies, were to be found after church. It was a glorious time.

Everything was fresh and new!

It’s time we reclaimed that sense of new on Easter Sunday. New life. Resurrection.

Easter calls us to it:

“You have died and your life is hidden with Christ.” (Col 3:3)

“Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch — as you really are.” (1 Cor 5:6-7)

We are able to be that fresh batch of dough, because with our cooperation, God is giving us life-giving spirit. New life. We become (more) the children of God. (John 5:26; 1:12)

Easter’s outward signs of new clothes, colored eggs and goodie-filled baskets are part of our celebration. But the real transformation is interior, and not limited to one beautiful day.

The real transformation is your own resurrection.

How will you nourish it? What will you read, think about and meditate over? What spiritual practice will you follow?

Today, spread your arms wide in love of all divine creation; all of God’s home. Shout, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God”! (Gerard Manley Hopkins)

And plan your next spiritual step.


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