Statement of Commitment to Laudato Si’ Action Platform

The Sisters of St. Benedict, St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, IL is a monastic community near the Mississippi River in northwest Illinois. United with the whole Church and all people of good will, we affirm our commitment to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

Our love for Christ and zeal for the transformation of the world impel us to treat all creation with reverence, respect and awareness of the common good. Our communal daily prayer is an ongoing song of praise and thanksgiving to God for and with all creation.

We offer hospitality to guests, sharing our sacred space and spiritual resources with retreatants, neighbors, and friends. We seek opportunities to partner with others in our region who promote ecological awareness and respond to the cry of the poor.

We strive to be good stewards of our common home, and have adopted energy-efficient actions including extensive use of geo-thermal and solar energy.

We joyfully commit ourselves to active pursuit of the goals expressed in the Laudato Si’ Platform, ‘that in all things God may be glorified’ (Rule of Benedict 57.9).


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