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Advent 30: Bring Us Home

Advent 30: Music Reflection from Musician Monica Brown & Others

Energize your Advent experience with a Friday morning 30-minute reflection with music and images.  After listening to the program video, there will be a brief period for sharing the message.  To learn more click here:  Songs for All Seasons  To learn about Monica Brown click here: Monica Brown

Date:  Fridays: Dec 4 (Bring Us Home); Dec. 11 (Comfort My People); Dec. 18  (Tear the Heavens Asunder) 

Time:   9-9:30 am

Retreat Leader:  Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB 

Fee:  $15/series

December 2

Centering Prayer

December 7

Experiencing Transitions: A Deepening Sense of Communion - Morning Session