Benet House is excited to offer opportunities for Spiritual Directors to meet, share experiences and learn together.
We will use a webinar from Spiritual Directors International for input and discussion:
Deep Calls Unto Deep: A Contemplative
Exploration of the Psalms in Our Life and Practice
It is a series with presenters: Simon De Voil & David Wallace
Dates and Times: Sept. 12 (4 pm)-Sept. 13 (4 pm)
Facilitator: Sr. Bobbi Bussan: Director, Benet House Retreat Center
Fee: Pricing includes room, meals, and materials. Registration and payment in full by Aug. 12: $125 (private); $115 (dble); commuter $90; virtual $60. Registration and payment after Aug. 12: $140 (private); $130 (dble); commuter ($105); virtual ($75). Scholarships available upon request. Don’t hesitate to inquire! Registration deadline is Sept. 5.