Retreat Description: This retreat aims to bring together women married to deacons and to provide time for quiet, sharing, and prayer. There will be input on “Friendship of Women” based on the book by S. Joan Chittister OSB. How are we related to women in ministry in the Scriptures? This is a time to share and support each other in the deaconate experience and, perhaps, form new friendships.
Dates and times: June 16 (3 pm)-17 (3 pm), 2023
Presenters: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB, Benet House Director and Lorene Knobbe, Benet House Assistant Program Director, and Spiritual Director.
Fee: Pricing includes room, meals, and materials. Registration and payment in full by May 16: $140 (private); $132 (dble); commuter $105. Registration and payment after May 16: $155 (private); $147 (dble); $120 (commuter).