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Directed Retreat: “What Do You See”? (John 1:35-42)

The retreat’s Scriptural focus is based on John 1:35-42, Jesus’ public ministry and his call to the first converts. For this retreat, you will meet daily with a spiritual director and ahave an opportunity for Lauds, Vespers, Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. You will need a candle, Bible and prayer space in your home.

Date / Time: 3 Day Retreat: Friday, Jan 15th - Monday, Jan 18th; 5 Day Retreat: Friday, Jan 15th - Wednesday, Jan 20th

Spiritual Directors: Sr. Margaret Murphy, OSB; Toni Petersen, SMM Oblate; Sr. Kathy Sadler, OSF; and Sr. Mary Schmidt, OSB.

Fee: 3-day: $180, 5-day: $270

January 14

The Psalms: Prayers for All Life’s Experiences

January 18

The Thomas Merton Group