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From Seeker to Sage: Journey to the Unknowable - Session Three of Five

“A common bonding takes place in all who are attracted to the transformative process.  Such is the ultimate lineage of all spiritual lineages emerging in the various religious traditions.  We are companions in the search, moved by a common perspective and inspiration.”   ... Fr. Thomas Keating                                   

The  ‘Spiritual Journey’ is a metaphor for how our beliefs change and develop throughout life.  In the beginning, we often do not realize that we have entered upon a spiritual path as we begin to search for the hidden gnosis (sacred knowing) of mind, heart and soul that is emerging within us.  This 5-day virtual retreat provides an opportunity to come together to reflect upon:

  • Our personal spiritual journey; from Seeker to Sage

  • Exploring stages and seasons of the various paths we have traveled

  • Our relationship with Divine Being 

  • Realization that we have been led every step of the way by a loving, mysterious unknowable God

  • Session 1: Introduction and Centering Prayer; Session 2: The Awakening; Session 3: The Seeker; Session 4: The Servant; Session 5: The Sage.

Join us as we move through the different stages of our spiritual journey from awakening moments, through our seeking and gradual movement to transformation.  This retreat will provide Centering Prayer in community, presentation and small group process. 

Date:  Five days: October 7, 8, 9, 12, & 13 

Time: 1-3:30 pm each day 

Retreat Leader: Susan Komis 

Fee: $150 for series.**The Audrey Cleary Centering Prayer Memorial provides funds to assist in the retreat fee. Please inquire at registration. No one is turned away because of the cost. 

October 8

From Seeker to Sage: Journey to the Unknowable - Session Two of Five

October 12

Experiencing Transitions: The Ache of Autumn In Us - Morning Session