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Men Seeking God

 “Come away by yourselves to a deserted (quiet) place and I will give you rest” Mark 6:31

Jesus ‘got away from the crowds’ often for reflection on and prayer for his ministry and life.  The gift of quiet isn’t just about being silent but about quieting our hearts, minds and our busy lives.  Like Jesus we can step away to reflect, pray and  recognize more deeply the Divine presence within us.   This retreat will provide such an opportunity. 

  • Thursday evening:  We are One in Seeking God

  • Friday:  OUR Head: Quieting our Minds.

  • Saturday: OUR Heart: Opening our Hearts. 

  • Saturday evening: OUR Habits & Happenings: Peace Amid Busyness

  • Sunday:  New Habits to Nourish

Each day will begin with a short reflection on the theme.  There will be opportunity for spiritual direction, Lauds & Vespers with the Sisters, quiet personal time for enjoying the beautiful grounds at St. Mary Monastery (sitting by the lake, walking in the woods, enjoying the freshness of Spring).

Date and time:  April 27 (arrival at 4 pm) – Sunday 30, 1 pm.

Retreat Leaders:  Rick Davis, Certified Spiritual Director and Benet House Staff.

Fee: Pricing includes room, meals, and materials.  Registration and payment in full by April 1: $250  (private); $235 (dble); $185 (commuter). Registration and payment after April 1: $265 (private); $250 (dble);  $200 (commuter).

April 27

Spirituality and Poetry

May 2

Connecting With Spiritual Directors