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This retreat morning is an opportunity to dive more deeply into the Psalms. The context and structure of the Psalms will be covered. There is also an opportunity to faith share what a Psalm means to your spiritual life. Videos, articles, and reflection show how Psalms are relevant to our lives today.
Date: 2nd Thursday of the month: Sept. 12, Oct. 21-22 (overnight retreat). 2025: Jan. 9, Mar. 13, May 8.
Time: 9:30-11 am.
Retreat Leaders: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB; Lorene Knobbe.
Fee: $15/mo. Oct. retreat: $140 (private room); $133 (dble. room); $105 (commuter).
Link: Sent upon registration.
Scholarship funds available to assist with the cost.