“Every breath we draw is a gift of God’s love; every moment of existence is a grace.” - Thomas Merton
Benet House is an official chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society (International Merton Society). The chapter meets monthly to read, discuss and grow in the understanding of Merton’s life and writings. Videos, articles, books, speakers, and features from Tuesday With Merton are some of the resources used. The group decides the monthly focus.
Date: 3rd Monday of the month: Sept. 11 (first group meeting is 2nd Monday); Oct. 16; Nov. 20; Dec. no meeting. 2024: Jan. 15; Feb. 19; Mar. 18-19 (overnight retreat); April 15; May 20.
Time: 6:30-8 pm.
Retreat Leader: Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB
Fee: $15/session: Books purchased on your own.