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Wisdom Women Series: Rejoice In and Discover Our Wisdom

 Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding. (Prov.3:13)   Join this wisdom group of women to learn from women in scripture, women saints, wisdom from one another and women in our world today.  We will share and deepen our wisdom together.  

Date:  Thursday, Nov. 5: Introductory Meeting to learn about the series and determine meeting dates.  
Time:  Two options, 10:00-11:00 AM and 6:30-7:30 PM
Retreat Leaders:  Sr. Bobbi Bussan, OSB and Lorene Knobbe, BH Volunteer.
Fee: Determined by the group.

November 4

Centering Prayer

November 6

Directed Retreat: Praying for Peace Using the Prayers of John Philip Newell