Your Five-Part Virtual Discernment Retreat

This Virtual Discernment Retreat introduces new ways to pray and learn more about the discernment process.  The best place to start considering any serious decision is the assurance that God loves you and is with you on this journey.  The five day retreat provides an opportunity to listen to God’s voice as you make significant life decisions.      

To make the most of this retreat, you’ll want to review the day’s information, followed by time in prayer and reading scripture.  Be sure to keep a journal and capture what feelings surface as you seek God on a deeper level.  If you would like to receive spiritual direction as part of this retreat, one of our Spiritual Directors can speak with you by telephone or Zoom.

A call to religious vocation is always a gift from God, and worthy of time set apart as you listen to God’s voice.  Find a quiet, comfortable place for the next few days as you intentionally seek God’s guidance on your life vocation. 


Session One - Listening to God