A Lenten Resolution Template


By Sister Mary Core, OSB

Oh My!! Here it is already. LENT. I am So. Not. Ready.

If you’re feeling a bit like me, I invite you to stop, take a seat in a quiet place, and, with pen and paper in hand, relax and focus on making this Lent a meaningful journey with the Lord.

Lent is the time we commemorate Jesus’ 40 days of prayer and fasting in the desert before He began his public ministry.

Lent can be a time of preparation for us as well. A time to become better persons, better as children of God.

It can be a time for us to change old habits, to be more loving and generous, to pray more, be gentler with others and ourselves.

In other words, Lent is a great time to focus on walking with Jesus and making that extra effort at getting our lives right.

The following is the pattern I use each year to help me choose my Lenten Practices. Maybe it will be helpful to you as you prepare this year.

I begin by quieting down and setting aside the “busyness” and the “to do” lists running around in my head.

So, I invite you to do the same:
1. Quietly think about what you would like to work on this Lent.

I do this by focusing on four categories of Prayer, Fasting, Positive Feasting, and Almsgiving. Or think of these as:

Prayer – Time spent talking with and building your relationship with God.

Fasting - What you want to do away with or change in your life: less food, less grumbling, less buying, less TV, less foul language, less time on the computer, etc.

Positive Feasting - Reading more quality literature, spiritual books or Sacred Scripture, spending more time helping another, preparing a meal for the poor and hungry, playing with your children, simply listening to them attentively, etc.

Almsgiving - Being thankful for what you have, and sharing it generously with others: your time, your talents, your love, your ideas, your laughter, your compliments, yourself with family, friends, the poor and needy, etc.

2. Take the time to reflect on the area(s) of your life that need attention.

3. In prayer, ask God’s help in choosing the area(s) you feel called to work on in a special way this Lent.

4. Write down on a nice piece of paper the things you have chosen. (Don’t choose more than you can do. Better to have one thing well done, than 4 unachieved.)

5. Put your choices in a prayer form, such as:

“O my Jesus, I offer you these Lenten Resolutions and ask your blessing upon them as I journey with you this Lent. (List your resolutions.) "May my efforts be a source of grace and an opportunity to praise you in all I do, and think and say. Amen.”

6. Put the paper by your bed, or under your pillow and review them every night before going to bed. (How well did you do today?)

7. In the morning, read the paper again and ask God to help you achieve your resolutions during the day.

8. Don’t get discouraged! - We’re not perfect, only working to become better.

9. Be grateful! - God loves us and is pleased with little victories.

Blessings on your Lenten journey and let us keep each other in prayer!


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Lenten Resolution Ideas