Lenten Resolution Ideas

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Lent is a wonderful time for "spring cleaning" our souls, as Sister Margaret notes. It's also a "wake up call," as Sister Sandra says. Here are a few ways to do that from our Sisters. Enjoy!

From Sister Marianne Burkhard:

St. Benedict tells us we are to "wash away every negligence of other times" during Lent.

One focus of Lent is certainly penitential, but we also pray with the psalmist: Restore my joy in your salvation, sustain in me a willing spirit. (Psalm 51)

Perhaps we need to pay attention to this nurturing our joy in God's salvation, that amazing grace that ought to evoke gratitude every day.

We need to sustain a willing spirit that gets us out of our lukewarm mood!

This Lent, I will practice joy and gratitude intentionally, with prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

From Sister Margaret Murphy:

The original meaning of Lent was ‘spring house cleaning.’

I see Lent as a means to empty out some of my unwanted distractions. A time to get my life back to what I want it to be about!

I want it to be about love of God and others, and not things I no longer need.

This is a time to act in a special way to deepen my love for God and all others.

I may fast from something I enjoy. This gives a deeper realization of that which is important in life.

I can also give the money I would have used for my pleasure to those in need.

I add to my usual prayers for people with need and extra prayers for world peace.

I chose a book that has reflections on the daily readings for Lent. Megan McKenna has a book on these reflections.

From Sister Marlene Miller:

My Lenten practices for 2018 include these 3 items:

1) more spiritual reading / personal prayer and less TV time;

2) give up coffee (I love) and drink hot tea (ugh!); and

3) read JESUS: A PILGRIMAGE, by James Martin, SJ.

From Sister Stefanie MacDonald:

My personal Lenten resolutions include reading Transforming Christian Theology for Church and Society; writing 5 things for which I’m grateful every day; ceasing to compare myself with others; and spending extra time in prayer for immigrants.

From Sister Mary Jane Wallace:

I plan to pray the rosary in front of the Blessed sacrament for the needs of the world; pass up candy in memory of those who have no food; practice “statio” as I meet each person (Statio is a term and ritual for Benedictines as we pause and remember the presence of God in another); and take time to enjoy a gift from God – which is playing the piano- because it nourishes my soul and I am grateful for that gift!

From Sister Sheila McGrath:

I will take a brief pause as I move from one activity to the next – rather than rushing like crazy from one thing to another – to enhance my awareness of God’s finger as I move through the day. I also will refrain from eating between meals, to be more in touch with people who never have enough to eat.

From Sister Sandra Brunenn:

For me, Lent is “wake up” time!

It’s a time of personal renewal to pray more, eat less, and connect more deeply with the vulnerable, both those in our community and beyond.

Lent is also a time also to be in solidarity with the whole church as we join in prayer with those preparing to celebrate Baptism and Profession of Faith at Easter.

In all these endeavors I’m being especially mindful this year of refugees and immigrants in the US and around the world.

From Sister Helen Carey:

I would suggest leisurely walking daily while praying in gratitude for the beauty of God's creation.

Another idea is to remember and pray for some important family member or friend who has touched your life in significant ways.

You might also choose to prayerfully read a psalm each day!

From Sister Catherine Cleary:

Lenten resolutions often are threefold. We give something up, we are kind to someone, we add prayers to our ordinary daily prayers. I think this is a useful pattern to follow. It can be modified easily to fit your own needs. Here’s an example:

1. We might fast from food in consideration of those in need, and we might fast from screens to add time for prayers and spiritual reading. (Giving up candy was always suggested when we were children and had access to candy rather regularly.)

2. We might do something extra for a needy person by visiting, providing food, or some other basic need. (As children,  Mother and Dad always suggested behaving more agreeably to our siblings and friends.)

3. Adding additional prayer time to our daily life puts God in the center in a more conscious and intentional way.

From Sister Jackie Walsh:

I am reading Lent and Easter Wisdom from Thomas Merton.  I liked the Daily Scripture passages, explanations of different facets of the season and reading some of Merton’s writings. 

There’s also a daily journal topic that will encourage me to give my own thoughts related to Lent and Easter.

I’ve never been a big journaling person, but this year I’m taking on the challenge!

I’m also praying the stations of the cross. It’s always a tearful journey, but one that helps me remember what Jesus went through for me.


A Lenten Resolution Template


Springtime for your soul: A Lenten/Easter online mini-retreat