Blessings of Ministries 2021

John 6: 41-51


When the Jews first heard Jesus say “I am the bread that came down from heaven,” they grumbled about his origins.  “We know his father and mother,” they said. “Isn’t he the son of Joseph? How can he claim to have come down from heaven?”

They totally missed the real claim in that line – that he was “The bread” – the new manna, the gift of life given by God the Father.  They knew what that manna had meant to their ancestors. It was God’s answer to their complaining and worrying that they were going to die in the desert.  Without it they would die.  It was God’s intervention of love for them – to give them that bread. 

Jesus points out to them – that the Father is still with them even to this day, because the Father is with Jesus.  

But they would need to go to God through him, because he is the bread of life.  This is living bread, and if they believe and eat of him, take into themselves - his word, his actions, his gentleness, forgiveness, all that was wrapped up in his ministry for each and every one of them, then they too will be raised up on the last day.  Because he – the bread of life – is life for the entire world.

Each of us has been called to share in his life and ministry – by being bread for others.  Let us keep that before our eyes each day as we do what we have been called to do, whether in the monastery with one another, or in a classroom, or a food pantry, or a parish meeting, or a garden, or a gathering of others interested in Benedictine life.  

It is now my privilege and honor to bless the ministries of each of you, honoring the bread of life within you, and which you share with others.  


Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven


The Transfiguration of the Lord