Earth Day Prayer

ONE:  God of all creation, your goodness and glory shine forth through everything that you have made.  Through the light of faith, help us see this world, our common home, not as a resource to dominate and exploit, but as a gift to be cherished by all generations.

ALL:  Open our eyes, Lord

ONE:  God of all, you made the earth and saw that it was good, but we have yet to properly care for it and give you thanks for the gifts you have given us through it.

ONE:  Now the earth cries out and your people hunger and thirst.

ALL:  Open our eyes, Lord

ONE:  Open our eyes to see the beauty of your creation, the pain we have inflicted upon it, and move us with compassion to help heal and restore your world.

ALL:  Open our eyes, Lord

ONE:  Lead us to act as neighbors, who do not pass by on the other side, but rather walk side by side, as sisters and brothers in Christ.

ALL:  Open our eyes, Lord

ONE:  So that together we may care for all that you have made and with all creation sing your praise.

ALL:  Open our eyes, Lord

ALL:  Prompted by your Spirit, we ask this in the name of Jesus, through whom all creation was made. 


(Prayer adapted with permission from Prayer for the Care of Creation, Catholic Charities and Open Our Eyes, Lord.  Catherine Gorman/CAFOD)


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