Interactive Lord’s Prayer

(An environmental responsive Prayer)

Leader:  Our father who art in heaven….

ALL:  You are also at home in the air, soil forests and oceans.

Leader:  Hallowed be your name…

ALL:  By the care we take of your creation.

Leader:  Your kingdom come…

ALL:  All that you see is good.

Leader:  Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven…

ALL:  Your will to till and care.

Leader:  Give us this day our daily bread…

ALL:  That all may have sufficient to live life in fullness.

Leader:  Forgive us our trespasses…

ALL:  Our greed, our exploitation, our lack of concern for other species and for future generations.

Leader:  As we forgive those who trespass against us…

ALL:  By reconciliation with justice and peace.

Leader:  And lead us not into temptation…

ALL:  The temptation to equate dominion with exploitation.

Leader: But deliver us from evil…

ALL:  The evil of destroying your gift of creation.

Leader:  For yours is the kingdom…

ALL:  Yours, Lord, not ours.

Leader:  And the power and the glory….

ALL:  In the cross and resurrection.

Leader:  For ever and ever …

ALL:  You are the beginning and you are the end.


The Church of England, Environmental Programme


A Prayer for Vocations


Earth Day Prayer