Graced Children of God

By Sister Mary Core, OSB

On Jan. 8, the Church celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord and ends the season of Christmas. 

For many years it was celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany as one of 3 epiphanies: The Visit of the Magi, The Baptism of Jesus and The Wedding Feast at Cana.  

These epiphanies or “insights, intuitive understandings, or manifestations” all made clearer who this Jesus was.

Through the Magi we come to realize Jesus as Savior for all peoples and nations.  

Through his Baptism we become aware that Jesus is Son of God and Second Person of our Trinitarian God.   

At the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus works his first miracle, we see his miraculous power as Savior and Son of God.  

Today the 3 epiphanies are each given their own day of celebration. 

This allows us to focus more fully on the importance of each occasion, and appreciate Jesus as Universal God and Savior, who walks among us as teacher, healer and miracle worker.

The Baptism holds urgent significance for us!

Jesus descends into the Jordan River, not because he needs Baptism or cleansing of sin, but rather to make holy its waters for each of us.  

Jesus is proclaimed "Beloved Son" of the Father; at our baptism, we become adopted children of God. At Jesus’ baptism, the heavens are opened; at our baptism heaven opens for us.

After his Baptism, Jesus goes into the desert as preparation for his years of ministry.  

Most of us don’t remember our baptism, but most assuredly we were given the grace we needed (and still need) to go forth and be ministers and witnesses of our faith and trust in God, through Jesus. 

As we end this Christmastide and enter Ordinary Time, may your days be anything but ordinary, as you count your blessings and resolve to go forth as a baptized child of God and a proclaimer of Jesus, the Word of God.  

May your epiphanies be many and your baptism grace you abundantly!


Ready for Life!


Joining the Magi in Our Own Search