Ready for Life!

By Sister Mary Jane Wallace, OSB

I recently had some health issues that wiped me out for a while. They were pretty serious.

The doctor put it in perspective when he said, “Sister, you need to think about the end. Do you want to be resuscitated?” 

I was surprised. I didn’t think my final days were now!

Death is going to come for us all, and it’s not always down the road. It can happen any time.

Lately, I’ve been using this simple 5-step prayer to help me be ready, but not for death so much as life! Because by living fully, we prepare to accept death.

I’m sharing the prayer with you because – no matter what your age or circumstances – it might help you, too.

Live slowly.

The idea of living slowly really captures my heart. It runs counter to our culture, but it’s necessary to slow down to really see, and experience, all that is around us.

We take time to meditate on and interact with God’s creation when we stop to listen to one another, listen to a bird sing, gaze at a chipmunk gathering winter seeds.

To live slowly – as opposed to move slowly – is to give ourselves the opportunity for gratitude for the world and our place in it.

Move simply. 

At my age, I have to move simply. No more running!

But this is about more than physical movement. I see it as inviting more simple intentionality into our lives.

For me it means trying not to live in the future, but today.

It means moving through each hour enjoying the simple things: a warm smile, a bit of sunlight, a card from a former student.

Look softly.

I love this phrase!

To me it means we must look more gently upon self and others.

We must offer gestures of comfort.

We must smile more kindly and with more welcome. 

Allow emptiness.

I’ve spent my life acquiring things, and I bet you have too.

Now I’m giving things away. I’ve moved from the “more” phase into the “less” phase. Because we really can’t take it with us!

But for me, the need for emptiness also implies a readiness for something new. Grace.

I’ve found I can say to God, “You are enough.” That things and stuff don’t matter.

Let the heart create for us. 

As we recommit to living life fully, we open our hearts to what matters. And our hearts tell us what we need to grow into peace.

I have loved my life so much. If I could speak on my deathbed, what would I say? If it were today, I would say, Thank you, and I love you.

What would you say?


St. John’s Bible Blessed at Illinois Wesleyan


Graced Children of God