Heritage Day

In 1988 the members of the Federation of St. Benedict, which includes St. Mary Monastery, began to learn and claim the story of our early American heritage. We continue to become more aware of its lessons for us as we live Benedictine monastic life today and plan for our future. We are helping the tree of Benedicta Riepp’s dream extend its roots, branches, and white blossoms to new monasteries. We commit ourselves to commemorate annually on July 22 the coming of the first Benedictine sisters from St. Walburg’s, Eichstatt, Bavaria, to St. Marys, Pennsylvania in 1852 under the leadership of Mother Benedicta Riepp.

Loving God,

We praise and thank you, for the life and mission of Mother Benedicta Riepp.

Cherishing the privilege of her call,

And placing unconditional trust in your divine providence,

She dared to dream of a new era for the vision and spirit of Benedict.

May her life of prayer and work inspire us to move

into our own uncharted future with faith, hope and love.

This we ask through Jesus, the Christ. Amen.

--Sister Ephrem Hollermann, OSB

Saint Benedict’s Monastery

St. Joseph, MN


The Transfiguration of the Lord


Vigil of St. Benedict