Vigil of St. Benedict


Reflection:  Vigil - Feast of St. Benedict

July 11, 2021

Sr. Susan Hutcens, Prioress

If I asked each person here what their favorite verse is from the Rule of St. Benedict, I think we might just come up with at least 15-20 different verses – or chapters! 

And we wouldn’t find that unusual – after all, we are all different.

A family created by bonds of DNA shares much in common – little things like eye or hair color, dimples in the chin, likes and dislikes.  But not always.  Often each child is very different from the others – at least that is true in my family and perhaps in yours.

Not all get educated the same like the same subjects: not in my family anyway, and maybe not in yours.

Not all develop musical or artistic talent (or some other talent – you fill in the blank) – not in my family anyway, and maybe not in yours.

Not all choose to follow a profession of their father or mother – not in my family, and maybe not in yours. 

But they definitely all have gifts of one kind or another.  

So, think about the creativity and inspiration that Benedict had when he wrote his Rule – his guide – for how to keep together a family chosen by God. 

One NOT with a common DNA

Not with a common language (necessarily – or at least accent) 

Not with a common education, common culture, common ethnicity, or common race.

How does Benedict plan to keep this family together?  Well …….. in 

Ch 3:  he says – all get a voice in things, young and old

Ch 5:  all are to follow the rule of authority and act without grumbling

Ch 28:  all will be reproved for faults

Ch 33:  there will be no private ownership – no exceptions

Ch. 34:  But, distribution will be made according to need, recognizing the differences

Ch 39 and 40:  Amounts of food and drink will vary – but no one should over-indulge

Ch 43:  All must seek forgiveness when mistakes are made

Ch 48:  All contribute to the daily labor, except the sick

Ch 57:  If one has a special talent, it is used for the good of all, not    oneself, and no one is to get puffed up about it.

Ch. 59 and 60:  Nobles and priests just like everyone else, all follow the rank of their entrance

Ch 71:  All are to obey one another, and all are to seek forgiveness and a blessing from one another. 

Ch 72:  Each must be the first to show respect to the other, in all humility.

We as a community, are a family – not of origin, not of the same backgrounds at all, not always having a choice of some culture – we have come from Ireland, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and of course, the USA; we do not all have the same talents or gifts or the same education.

But we are all part of this “School of the Lord’s Service”.  We all continue to learn in this school – yes, in different ways, we learn different things, satisfying or filling different needs of ourselves and others. 

Learning means change – within, more even than on the outside.

We are continually called to learn, to develop, to deepen our desire for God, and to change as we do, as we learn, and grow and develop, and deepen that desire.  We all learned that in perhaps a new way these past 16 months during the pandemic. 

We will continue to learn it every day for the rest of our lives.  We may not just stop – stay in one place – choose to rest, mentally, or emotionally.  We are this family/community of St. Mary Monastery – this is our school of the Lord’s service. And we must keep growing into what God has called us, whatever that may be.   

Benedict was a very wise man, as we all know – today we celebrate the gift he and his Rule are to each of us, and to so many others throughout history and the world today.  Happy Feast of St. Benedict!!


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