This Christmas, Receive!

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We continue a short series written by Benedictine Sisters on what Christmas means to them. Enjoy!

By Sister Marlene Miller, OSB

Many feel unworthy ... especially at Christmas. They feel unlovable; undeserving of gifts.

But Jesus' story illustrates a profound inclusion of ALL.

After all, he was born into a humble family. At his birth, he was placed in a dusty old barn, away from polite society. In a manger. A food trough for animals.

Food for all.

The first people to share in Jesus' birth were the shepherds, the lowly animal handlers who probably smelled as bad as their sheep. They had no money, no status. Yet they were first, and they were welcomed.

The wealthy wise men were eventually invited, too. Later, though.

They all received the gifts of food ... of belonging ... of hope.

They gave their gratitude in return.

At the heart of it, that's what Christmas is all about. Receiving and giving.

We receive Jesus' gift through grace, no matter who we are or what we've done.

The gift is food for our soul.

We become what we receive.

We become love, giving Jesus' gift to others, not because they have earned it, but because they are.

Just like we are.

This Christmas, find ways to show Jesus' love of all – through you – to others, deserving or not (including yourself).

Give time. Give love. Give yourself.

And find your own sense of Jesus' love growing in you.


Choose Your Gifts With Care


3rd Sunday: Make Straight the Way