Welcome to Benet House Retreat Center at St. Mary Monastery

Wisdom Women: Women of the New Testament
Thursday, April 17th 2025
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament study created by Little Rock Bible Studies.

Wisdom Women: Women of the New Testament
Thursday, June 19th 2025
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament study created by Little Rock Bible Studies.

Wisdom Women: Women of the New Testament
Thursday, February 20th 2025
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament study created by Little Rock Bible Studies.

Wisdom Women: Women of the New Testament
Thursday, December 19th 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament study created by Little Rock Bible Studies.

Wisdom Women: Women of the New Testament
Thursday, November 21st 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament study created by Little Rock Bible Studies.

Wisdom Women: Women of the New Testament
Thursday, September 26th 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This series will focus on the Women of the New Testament study created by Little Rock Bible Studies.

Bookmarks: Across That Bridge
The second of two sessions discussing John Lewis’s Across That Bridge.
Over the next 2 years Bookmarks will address the topic of racism through the writings of past and contemporary authors who challenge us to uncover our understanding of racism.

Silent Directed Retreat: Abide in Me and You Will Bear Much Fruit
Come and savor this silent, directed retreat. Meet daily with a spiritual director. Explore the concept of the good fruit one bears when clinging to the Vine and abiding in Him. What does it mean to abide? What is needed to make good fruit?

Bookmarks: Across That Bridge
The first of two sessions discussing John Lewis’s Across That Bridge.
Over the next 2 years Bookmarks will address the topic of racism through the writings of past and contemporary authors who challenge us to uncover our understanding of racism.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Wisdom Women: Wisdom Women of the New Testament
Third Thursdays: Thursday, May 16th 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This ‘wisdom group’ of women will meet bi-monthly during 2024-2025 to unpack wisdom figures that inspire and motivate us in daily living and in our prayer.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

24-Hour Hiding Place: Becoming Rich Soil
This 24-hour Hiding Place Retreat will give us time to reflect on Mark 4:3-8.

Spirituality in the 21st Century: Hope in Action
Spirituality in the 21st Century is a annual retreat offered by Prairie Woods Retreat Center featuring noted speakers and musicians. For the first time it is available via Zoom. Benet House is collaborating with Prairie Woods to offer the retreat via Zoom at Benet House. It is a terrific opportunity to attend locally.

Healing Our Throwaway Culture: A Focus on Plastics
In recognition of Earth Day, you are invited to attend this educational and prayer program. Learn how plastic production, consumption, and disposal impacts human and planetary health, and share strategies for personal, community, and systemic actions.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Bookmarks: Jesus and the Disinherited
The second of two sessions discussing Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited.
Over the next 2 years Bookmarks will address the topic of racism through the writings of past and contemporary authors who challenge us to uncover our understanding of racism.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Bookmarks: Jesus and the Disinherited
The first of two sessions discussing Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited.
Over the next 2 years Bookmarks will address the topic of racism through the writings of past and contemporary authors who challenge us to uncover our understanding of racism.

Wisdom Women: Wisdom Women of the Old Testament
Third Thursdays: Thursday, March 21st 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This ‘wisdom group’ of women will meet bi-monthly during 2024-2025 to unpack wisdom figures that inspire and motivate us in daily living and in our prayer.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

The Woman at the Well
This retreat weekend will unpack the experience of the Samaritan woman Jesus meets at the well, and provide an opportunity to encounter the same love she found in Jesus. Join this retreat and be filled at the Well.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Bookmarks: Waking Up White
The second of two sessions discussing Debbie Irving’s Waking Up White.
Over the next 2 years Bookmarks will address the topic of racism through the writings of past and contemporary authors who challenge us to uncover our understanding of racism.

Sharing the Lenten Journey: Lessons from Joyce Rupp
Morning Time Option Also Available
Joyce Rupp has a trilogy of books that are ‘Reflections for the Lenten Journey’. Her latest, 2023, is Jesus, Guide of My Life. We will use this daily reader for sharing our Lenten journey. The group meets weekly, and we share inspirations from Joyce’s daily reflections.

Sharing the Lenten Journey: Lessons from Joyce Rupp
Evening Time Option Also Available
Joyce Rupp has a trilogy of books that are ‘Reflections for the Lenten Journey’. Her latest, 2023, is Jesus, Guide of My Life. We will use this daily reader for sharing our Lenten journey. The group meets weekly, and we share inspirations from Joyce’s daily reflections.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.

Bookmarks: Waking Up White
The first of two sessions discussing Debbie Irving’s Waking Up White.
Over the next 2 years Bookmarks will address the topic of racism through the writings of past and contemporary authors who challenge us to uncover our understanding of racism.

Wisdom Women: Benedictine Women Mystics
Third Thursdays: Thursday, January 18th 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This ‘wisdom group’ of women will meet bi-monthly during 2024-2025 to unpack wisdom figures that inspire and motivate us in daily living and in our prayer.

Boundless Compassion Circles
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
Compassion Circle is a twice a month gathering for anyone who has participated in a Boundless Compassion retreat or book study. There is sharing compassion moments and then an insight on compassion presentation and discussion.