• Solar Panel Project

    Caring for Earth, Caring for You
    National Catholic Sisters’ Week
    March 8 - 14, 2022

  • Midwest Religious Communities

  • Storytending: Cultivating a Life of Compassion for Self and Others

    Featuring Author Diane M. Millis, PhD
    Attend Virtually or Onsite - April 9, 2022

  • Who Is My Neighbor Today?

    A homily by Deacon Michael Sigwalt, Benedictine Oblate

Sisters of St. Benedict
St. Mary Monastery

We are the monastic Sisters of St. Benedict at St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, IL. Originally from Nauvoo, we have lived and served in the Quad-City area since 2001. 

As Benedictines, we live, work, and pray by our five values: Prayer, Community, Hospitality, Peace and Justice, and Care of Creation.

We invite you to explore our site to learn more about joining us as a Sister, oblate, or volunteer, or through our retreat center.


Our Vocations director is happy to help you discern your calling to religious life. Find out if you belong with the Benedictines!


Continue your spiritual growth from anywhere in the world with virtual programming from Benet House Retreat Center.


Oblates are lay people, men and women, who live Benedictine values. Oblate groups meet regularly - find one near you.


Our community appreciates our many volunteers, who help us with a wide variety of missions. How can you share your talents?

Join Us For A Retreat

Click on any retreat below to learn more or sign up.

Life at St. Mary Monastery 


Virtual Monastery

The Virtual Monastery Experience combines 360 photography with video, photos, and text directly from the Sisters. The Sisters invite you to get a sense of St. Mary Monastery before your visit.

Recent Stories


St. Mary’s Academy

In 1874, the Sisters of St. Benedict founded St. Mary’s Academy, a Catholic boarding school for young women. The Sisters voted to close the school in 1997, and we still fondly remember our time in Nauvoo. After 123 years together, we hope to remain connected to our friends and alumnae for many years to come!

The Sisters of St. Mary’s taught me how to be courageous and attempt anything I wanted to do – all with a wonderful sense of humility, hope and humor.
— Jeannette Criglar, SMA Class of 1981